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About the Author

Jessica was a nobody from nowhere; then she discovered she was a son of God! Since then, she has been on a radical journey of discovering her identity and growing a personal friendship with Jesus. Over the last 10 years, Jessica and her husband, Gonzo, have been intentional about helping the body of Christ grow and mature in their identity and relationship with God. Now, their primary focus is homeschooling their two daughters on the family farm. In their spare time, Jessica and Gonzo travel as a team ministering to the body of Christ through worship and teaching.

Their passion and niche of ministry emphasizes:
·       How to develop a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus
·       Understanding and walking out sonship identity
·       The maturing process
·       Wholeness, rest, and authenticity


Have you ever felt like there was more to your walk with God, but you're not quite sure how to get there? This book will help you get free from religion, grow in identity, and learn HOW to do spiritual things.

In the Sonship Series, Jessica breaks down into bite-size pieces how to transition from the box of religion to the freedom of relationship with Jesus.

In The Foundation and the following books in the series, you will learn spiritual realities and strategies in simple, straightforward concepts. Jessica's hope is for believers to use the tools and teachings in the series so they can grow and mature in sonship.

This series opens the door for you to be able to start learning how to live from Heaven and walk in a transformed life.


To grow or not to grow? This is the question every believer is faced with, but most of us don’t recognize the question is even being asked!

Staying a baby in Christ was never the plan. In this two-part book, Jessica delves into the process of how to grow in faith and maturity in Christ, and how to relate to others as a son of God.

If you’ve read her first book, The Foundation, then you’re ready to dive even deeper into the love dance with Yahweh. Join her as we explore HOW to grow in our faith and maturity in Christ!


What if all you felt was Jesus? No more fear, pain, shame, depression, exhaustion, insecurity, or anything else weighing you down. Total freedom and abundant life are our inheritance as sons of God. We don’t have to wait to die so that we can receive our healing and breakthrough! Our greatest struggles on earth are meant to be our greatest victories, but too often we become stuck because we don’t know how to overcome them.

In BEcoming Whole, Jessica takes on the common soul struggles that everyone faces. She breaks them down, exposes the lies, and gives tools and strategies for the way out. Facing our soul wounds and renewing our minds are vital parts of growing in sonship. So, if you are ready to dive into soul healing and breakthrough, then this book is for you!


Deeper, deeper, and deeper we go! In this fourth and final book of the Sonship Series, Jessica explores the ins and outs of walking in the power of Yahweh. As sons of God, we are the embodiment of Jesus everywhere we go. But what does that look like for us and for the world around us? How do we do the things that Jesus did? If you are ready for more, then buckle up as we close this series by exploring how to practically start walking in God’s power on the earth!